Welcome to the Mathematics for Engineering Applications (MEA) laboratory!
Oleksandr Makeyev

Past and present MEA lab members:

     Sheldon N. Chee   

     Alana Benally

     Ashton R. Begay

     Larry D. Moore

     Mark M. Musngi

     Frederick J. Lee

     Cody R. Joe

     Colin M. Lee

     Wayne Harvey
     Head of the MEA lab

     Oleksandr Makeyev, Ph.D.
     Associate Professor, School of STEM
     Diné College
     Kinyaa'áanii Charlie Benally Library LIB-207
     Tsaile, AZ 86556
     928-724-6960 (office)
     o m a k e y e v dinecollege e d u

     Dr. Makeyev's most recent CV (updated: 1/23/25).

    Latest news (for the older news check the archive)

  • 1/23/25 - Dr. Makeyev is proud to serve as a member of the Technical Program Committee for SENSORDEVICES 2025, The Sixteenth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications to take place October 26-30, 2025 in Barcelona, Spain. (link)
  • 1/20/25 - Dr. Makeyev would like to thank the National Science Foundation for awarding $200,000 to Diné College in support of the project entitled "Comparing the optimal tripolar concentric ring electrode to commercial configurations on phantom data" under his direction (link).
  • 12/5/24 - MEA lab is also very grateful for the news about our patent being featured in Navajo-Hopi Observer story and mentioned in Navajo Times education briefs.
  • 11/26/24 - MEA lab is very grateful for the news about our second patent being featured in this Law360 story.
  • 11/25/24 - Patent number 12,144,630 entitled "Determination of optimal Laplacian estimates and optimal inter-ring distances for concentric ring electrodes" has been issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on November 19, 2024. (pdfpress release)

    Research focus and projects

  • MEA lab's broad research focus includes development and application of signal processing and pattern recognition methods to engineering problems with an emphasis on biomedical engineering and neuroengineering.
  • MEA lab was estbalished in September 2016 via NSF TCUP SGR award 1622481 "Seizure onset detection using tripolar Laplacian electroencephalography."
  • MEA lab is currently funded by NSF TCUP SGR awards 1914787 "Optimizing concentric ring electrode design for noninvasive electrophysiological measurement" and 2212707 "Validating the optimal design of concentric ring electrodes on phantom data."
  • Progress updates on MEA lab's current research projects are available via Dr. Makeyev's ResearchGate profile.
  • Passion project - guide to getting graduate education in the US for free for Ukrainian students (in Ukrainian and English) that will continue to be expanded and updated periodically / посібник до безкоштовної магістратури, аспірантури чи постдокторантури у США для студентів з України (на українській та англійській), що буде періодично доповнюватися та оновлюватися. 

    Selected publications

    2024    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019    2018    2017    2016    2015    2014    2013    2012    2011    2010    2009    2008    2007    2006    2005    2004    2003


  • Benally, A., Makeyev, O., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Garcia-Casado J., Time and frequency domain synchrony of current and optimal Laplacian estimates via t-Lead electrodes on human electroencephalogram data, 2024 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, Naples, Italy, July 23-25, 2024. (doi, pdf)
  • Benally, A., Makeyev, O., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Garcia-Casado J., Current versus optimal Laplacian estimates for t-Lead concentric ring electrodes via finite elements method modeling, 2024 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM, Washington, DC, March 14-16, 2024. (poster
  • Benally, A., Makeyev, O., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Garcia-Casado J., Current versus optimal Laplacian estimates via t-Lead electrodes on human electroencephalogram data, 2024 National Science Foundation TCUP Research Symposium, Alexandria, VA, February 28-29, 2024. (poster, pdf
  • Prats-Boluda, G., Garcia-Breijo, E., Martinez-de-Juan, J., Garcia-Casado, J., Ye-Lin, Y., Makeyev, O., Cossedu, P., Concentric Ring Tattoo Electrodes for Biosignal Recordings, 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC, Rome, Italy, February 21-23, 2024, pp. 159-163. (doi, pdf)


  • Garcia-Casado J., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Makeyev O., Looking for optimal concentric ring electrodes: influence of design aspects on their performance, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 35, Issue 3, December 2023, Article 035115, p. 14. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Moore L., Benally A., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Garcia-Casado J., Writing a review paper on concentric ring electrode technology, 2023 Tribal Colleges and Universities Program Research Symposium, Alexandria, VA, August 9, 2023. (poster, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Benally A., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Garcia-Casado J., Comparing optimal tripolar concentric ring electrode to bipolar and tripolar commercial configurations using finite element method modeling, 2023 Tribal Colleges and Universities Program Research Symposium, Alexandria, VA, August 9, 2023. (poster, pdf)


  • Makeyev O., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Garcia-Casado J., Optimizing Laplacian estimation for the finite dimensions model of a commercial tripolar concentric ring electrode and comparing it to the optimal electrode configuration via finite element method modeling, 9th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Application, November 1-15, 2022. (link, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Garcia-Casado J., Comparing optimal and commercially available bipolar and tripolar concentric ring electrode configurations using finite element method modeling based on their finite dimensions models, IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium, Sundsvall, Sweden, August 1-3, 2022. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Recent progress on design optimization of concentric ring electrodes based on negligible and finite dimensions models, NSF Tribal Colleges & Universities Program Virtual Research Symposium, February 23, 2022. (poster, pdf)


  • Makeyev O., Lee A., Begay A., Solving the inter-ring distances optimization problem for pentapolar and sextopolar concentric ring electrodes based on the negligible dimensions model of the electrode, 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Application, November 1-15, 2021. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Garcia-Casado J., Finite element method modeling to confirm the results of comprehensive optimization of the tripolar concentric ring electrode based on its finite dimensions model, 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, November 1-5, 2021, pp. 7244-7247. (doi, video)
  • Makeyev O., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Garcia-Casado J., Comprehensive optimization of the tripolar concentric ring electrode based on its finite dimensions model and confirmed by finite element method modeling, Sensors, Vol. 21, Issue 17, August 2021, Article 5881, p. 14. (doi, pdf)


  • Makeyev O., Comprehensive optimization of the tripolar concentric ring electrode with respect to the accuracy of Laplacian estimation based on the finite dimensions model of the electrode, 7th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, November 15-30, 2020. (doi, pdf, video)
  • Liu X., Makeyev O., Besio W., Improved spatial resolution of electroencephalogram using tripolar concentric ring electrode sensors, Journal of Sensors, Vol. 2020, June 2020, Article 6269394, p. 9. (doi, pdf)


  • Makeyev O., Lee A., Begay A., Toward solving the inter-ring distances optimization problem for pentapolar, sextopolar, and septapolar concentric ring electrodes based on the negligible dimensions model of the electrode, 6th National Science Foundation Tribal Colleges and Universities Program Research Symposium (TRS19), Alexandria, VA, December 17-18, 2019.
  • Makeyev O., Lee F., Musngi M., Feasibility of automatic detection of high-frequency oscillations in human tripolar Laplacian electroencephalogram using exponentially embedded family, 6th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, November 15-30, 2019. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Musngi M., Moore L., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Garcia-Casado J., Validating the comparison framework for the finite dimensions model of concentric ring electrodes using human electrocardiogram data, Applied Sciences, Vol. 9, Issue 20, October 2019, Article 4279, p. 14. (doi, pdf)
  • Garcia-Casado J., Ye-Lin Y., Prats-Boluda G., Makeyev O., Evaluation of bipolar, tripolar and quadripolar Laplacian estimates of electrocardiogram via concentric ring electrodes, Sensors, Vol. 19, Issue 17, August 2019, Article 3780, p. 11. (doi, pdf)


  • Makeyev O., Solving the general inter-ring distances optimization problem for concentric ring electrodes to improve Laplacian estimation, Biomed. Eng. OnLine, Vol. 17, Issue 117, August 2018, p. 21. (doi, pdf)
  • Sorrell R., Musngi M., Lee F., Makeyev O., Creating outreach and collaborative spaces in the library: STEM research lab at DC library, Tribal College Librarians Institute (TCLI), Bozeman, MT, June 4-8, 2018.
  • Makeyev O., Optimizing the design of noninvasive concentric ring electrodes for electrophysiological measurement, 5th National Science Foundation Tribal Colleges and Universities Program Research Symposium (TRS18), Alexandria, VA, May 23-24, 2018, p. 36.
  • Lee F., Musngi M., Makeyev O., Exponentially embedded family to detect high-frequency oscillations in human tripolar Laplacian EEG, Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), February 22-24, 2018, Washington, D.C., Abstr. 366, Online. (link)


  • Makeyev O., Musngi M., Lee F., Tamayo M., Recent advances in high-frequency oscillations and seizure onset detection using Laplacian electroencephalography via tripolar concentric ring electrodes, 4th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ECSA 2017), November 15-30, 2017. (doi, pdf)
  • Mucio-Ramirez S., Makeyev O., Safety of the transcranial focal electrical stimulation via tripolar concentric ring electrodes for hippocampal CA3 subregion neurons in rats, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, Vol. 2017, August 2017, Article ID 4302810, p. 7. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Joe C., Lee C., Besio W., Analysis of Variance to Assess Statistical Significance of Laplacian Estimation Accuracy Improvement due to Novel Variable Inter-Ring Distances Concentric Ring Electrodes, 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Jeju Island, Korea, July 11-15, 2017, pp. 4110-4113. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Lee C., Besio W., Proof of concept Laplacian estimate derived for noninvasive tripolar concentric ring electrode with incorporated radius of the central disc and the widths of the concentric rings, 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Jeju Island, Korea, July 11-15, 2017, pp. 841-844. (doi, pdf)


  • Lee C., Makeyev O., Besio W., Incorporating the diameter of the central disc and the widths of the concentric rings into the (4n + 1)-point method of Laplacian estimation for noninvasive concentric ring electrodes, 2016 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference, Long Beach, CA, October 13-15, 2016. (pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Besio W., Analytic assessment of Laplacian estimates via novel variable inter-ring distances concentric ring electrodes, 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, FL, August 16-20, 2016, pp. 2058-2062. (pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Besio W., Finite element method modeling to assess Laplacian estimates via novel variable inter-ring distances concentric ring electrodes, 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, FL, August 16-20, 2016, pp. 2054-2057. (pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Besio W., Improving the accuracy of Laplacian estimation with novel variable inter-ring distances concentric ring electrodes, Sensors, Vol. 16, Issue 6, June 2016, Article 858, p. 16. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Ding Q., Besio W.G., Improving the accuracy of Laplacian estimation with novel multipolar concentric ring electrodes, Measurement, Vol. 80, February 2016, pp. 44-52. (doi, pdf)


  • Harvey W., Makeyev O., Ding Q., Besio W.G., Deriving analytic Laplacian estimates for multipolar concentric ring electrodes using inverse Vandermonde matrix, 2015 SACNAS National Conference, Washington DC, October 29-31, 2015, Abst. FRI-817.(pdf)
  • Sadowska G.B., Chen X., Zhang J., Lim Y.P, Cummings E., Makeyev O., Besio W.G., Gaitanis J., Padbury J., Banks W.A., Stonestreet B.S., Interleukin-1ß transfer across the blood-brain barrier in the ovine fetus, Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, Vol. 35, Issue 9, September 2015, pp. 1388-1395. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Ding Q., Kay S., Besio W.G., Finite element method modeling to assess and compare Laplacian estimates via novel multipolar concentric ring electrodes, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Workshop on Network Science (SIAM NS15), Snowbird, UT, USA, May 16-17, 2015.(pdf)
  • Abtahi M., Martínez-Juárez I.E., Makeyev O., Medvedev A., Gaitanis J., Fisher R., Besio W., Automated high-frequency oscillation detection from tripolar concentric ring electrode scalp recordings, 68th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Seattle, WA, USA, December 5-9, 2014, Abst. 3.073, Epilepsy Currents, Vol. 15, Issue s1, January/February 2015, p. 422. (doi, pdf) 
  • Zhang J., Sadowska G.B., Chen X., Park S.Y., Kim J.E., Bodge C.A., Cummings E., Lim Y.P, Makeyev O., Besio W.G., Gaitanis J., Banks W.A., Stonestreet B.S., Anti–IL-6 neutralizing antibody modulates blood-brain barrier function in the ovine fetus, FASEB Journal, Vol. 29, Issue 5, May 2015, pp. 1739-1753. (doi, pdf)
  • Chen X., Sadowska G.B., Zhang J., Kim J.E., Cummings E.E., Bodge C., Lim Y.P., Makeyev O., Besio W.G., Gaitanis J., Threlkeld S.W., Stonestreet B.S., Neutralizing Anti-interleukin-1ß antibodies modulate fetal blood-brain barrier function after ischemia, Neurobiology of Disease, Vol. 73, January 2015, pp. 118-129. (doi, pdf)


  • Mucio-Ramirez S., Makeyev O., Besio W., Morphological evaluation of the CA3 hippocampal neurons after transcranial focal electrical stimulation, Neuroscience 2014: Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, November 15-19, 2014, Program/Poster: R7/325.8. (online)
  • Zhu Z., Brooks J., Makeyev O., Kay S.M., Besio W.G., Equivalency between emulated disc electrodes and conventional disc electrode human electroencephalography, 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Chicago, IL, August 26-30, 2014, pp. 5248-5251. (doi, pdf)
  • Luby M.D., Makeyev O., Besio W.G., Chronic transcranial focal stimulation from tripolar concentric ring electrodes does not disrupt memory formation in rats, 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Chicago, IL, August 26-30, 2014, pp. 6139-6142. (doi, pdf)
  • Besio W.G., Martínez-Juárez I.E., Makeyev O., Gaitanis J.N., Blum A.S., Fisher R.S., Medvedev A.V., High-frequency oscillations recorded on the scalp of patients with epilepsy using tripolar concentric ring electrodes, IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, Vol. 2, Article 2000111, June 2014, p. 11. (doipdf)
  • Makeyev O., Lennon T., Boudria Y., Zhu Z., Besio W., Frequency domain synchrony between signals from the conventional disc electrode and the outer ring of the tripolar concentric ring electrode in human electroencephalogram data, 40th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, Boston, MA, April 25-27, 2014, p. 2. (pdf)


  • Makeyev O., Boudria Y., Zhu Z., Lennon T., Besio W., Emulating conventional disc electrode with the outer ring of the tripolar concentric ring electrode in phantom and human electroencephalogram data, IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium, New York City, December 7, 2013, pp. 1-4. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Ding Q., Kay S., Besio W.G., Toward improving the Laplacian estimation with novel multipolar concentric ring electrodes, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Osaka, Japan, July 3-7, 2013, pp. 1486-1489. (doi, pdf
  • Makeyev O., Ding Q., Martínez-Juárez I.E., Gaitanis J., Kay S., Besio W.G., Multiple sensor integration for seizure onset detection in human patients comparing conventional disc versus novel tripolar concentric ring electrodes, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, Osaka, Japan, July 3-7, 2013, pp. 17-20. (doi, pdf
  • Besio W., Makeyev O., Medvedev A., Gale K., Effects of transcranial focal stimulation via tripolar concentric ring electrodes on pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rats, Epilepsy Research, Vol. 105, Issues 1-2, July 2013, pp. 42-51. (doi, pdf
  • Makeyev O., Luna-Munguía H., Rogel-Salazar G., Liu X., Besio W., Noninvasive transcranial focal stimulation via tripolar concentric ring electrodes lessens behavioral seizure activity of recurrent pentylenetetrazole administrations in rats, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 21, Issue 3, May 2013, pp. 383-390. (doi, pdf
  • Besio W., Makeyev O., Liu X., Possible effect of low current transcranial focal stimulation via tripolar concentric ring electrodes on behavioral seizure activity induced by pentylenetetrazole in rats, 66th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, San Diego, CA, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2012, Abst. 3.063, Epilepsy Currents, Vol. 13, Issue s1, January/February 2013, pp. 353-354. (onlinedoi, pdf)
  • Medvedev A.V., Martínez-Juárez I.E., Makeyev O., Fernández-González-Aragón M., Moreno-Avellan Á.J., Besio W.G., Gamma-band Pre-seizure activity detected with tripolar concentric ring electrode Laplacian electroencephalography from scalp, 66th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, San Diego, CA, USA, November 30 - December 4, 2012, Abst. 1.047, Epilepsy Currents, Vol. 12, Issue s3, January/February 2013, pp. 21-22. (onlinedoi, pdf)


  • Chen X., Threlkeld S.W., Cummings E.E., Juan I., Makeyev O., Besio W.G., Gaitanis J., Banks W.A., Sadowska G.B., Stonestreet B.S., Ischemia-reperfusion increases blood-brain barrier permeability and alters tight junction protein expression in ovine fetuses, Neuroscience, Vol. 226, December 2012, pp. 89-100. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Lopez-Meyer P., Schuckers S., Besio W., Sazonov E., Automatic food intake detection based on swallowing sounds, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 7, Issue 6, November 2012, pp. 649-656. (doi, pdf
  • Liu X., Makeyev O., Besio W.G., A spatial resolution study comparing the half sensitivity volume between the tripolar concentric ring electrode and the conventional disc electrode, Neuroscience 2012: Society for Neuroscience 42nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, October 13-17, 2012, Program/Poster: 712.27/GGG3. (online)
  • Britton D., Makeyev O., Luna-Munguía H., Besio W.G., Simulation based verification of In vivo electric fields in hippocampus due to transcranial focal stimulation via tripolar concentric ring electrodes, Neuroscience 2012: Society for Neuroscience 42nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, October 13-17, 2012, Program/Poster: 424.05. (online)
  • Lopez-Meyer P., Schuckers S., Makeyev O., Fontana J., Sazonov E., Automatic identification of the number of food items in a meal using clustering techniques based on the monitoring of swallowing and chewing, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Vol. 7, Issue 5, September 2012, pp. 474-480. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Ding Q., Kay S., Besio W.G., Sensor integration of multiple tripolar concentric ring electrodes improves pentylenetetrazole-induced seizure onset detection in rats, 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, San Diego, USA, August 28 - September 1, 2012, pp. 5154-5157. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Liu X., Wang L., Zhu Z., Taveras A., Troiano D., Medvedev A., Besio W.G., Feasibility of recording high frequency oscillations with tripolar concentric ring electrodes during pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rats, 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, San Diego, USA, August 28 - September 1, 2012, pp. 4599-4602. (doi, pdf
  • Makeyev O., Liu X., Luna-Munguía H., Rogel-Salazar G., Mucio-Ramirez S., Liu Y., Sun Y., Kay S., Besio W., Toward a noninvasive automatic seizure control system in rats with transcranial focal stimulations via tripolar concentric ring electrodes, IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Vol. 20, Issue 4, July 2012, pp. 422-431. (doi, pdf
  • Makeyev O., Liu X., Luna-Munguía H., Rogel-Salazar G., Mucio-Ramirez S., Liu Y., Sun Y., Hadidi R., Kay S., Besio W., Toward an automatic seizure control system in rats through transcranial focal stimulation via tripolar concentric ring electrodes, 65th Annual Meeting of the American Epilepsy Society, Baltimore, MD, USA, December 2-6, 2011, Abst. 1.070, Epilepsy Currents, Vol. 12, Issue s1, January/February 2012, pp. 29-30. (onlinedoi, pdf)


  •  Mucio-Ramirez S., Makeyev O., Liu X., Leon-Olea M., Besio W., Cortical integrity after transcutaneous focal electrical stimulation via concentric ring electrodes, Neuroscience 2011: Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, November 12-16, 2011, Program/Poster: 672.20/Y19. (online)
  • Kussul E., Makeyev O., Baidyk T., Saniger Blesa J., Bruce N., Lara-Rosano F., The problem of automation of solar concentrator assembly and adjustment, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 8, Issue 4, September 2011, pp. 150-157. (online)
  • Makeyev O., Liu X., Koka K., Kay S.M., Besio W.G., Transcranial focal stimulation via concentric ring electrodes reduced power of pentylenetetrazole-induced seizure activity in rat electroencephalogram, 33rd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Boston, USA, August 30 - September 3, 2011, pp. 7560-7563. (doi, pdf)
  • Besio W.G., Hadidi R., Makeyev O., Luna-Munguía H., Rocha L., Electric fields in hippocampus due to transcranial focal electrical stimulation via concentric ring electrodes, 33rd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Boston, USA, August 30 - September 3, 2011, pp. 5488-5491. (doi, pdf)
  • Liu X., Makeyev O., Besio W.G., A comparison of tripolar concentric ring electrode and spline Laplacians on a four-layer concentric spherical model, 33rd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Boston, USA, August 30 - September 3, 2011, pp. 2949-2952. (doi, pdf)


  • Besio W.G., Kay S.M., Liu X., Makeyev O., Optimization of spatial filtering sensor for biomedical applications, 9th IEEE Conference on Sensors Open Poster, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, November 1-4, 2010. (pdf)
  • Martín-González A., Baidyk T., Kussul E., Makeyev O., Improved Neural Classifier for Microscrew Shape Recognition, Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics), Vol. 19, Issue 3, September 2010, pp. 220-226. (doi, pdf)
  • Lopez-Meyer P., Schuckers S., Makeyev O., Sazonov E., Detection of periods of food intake using support vector machines, 32nd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 31 - September 4, 2010, pp. 1004-1007. (pdf)
  • Lopez-Meyer P., Makeyev O., Schuckers S., Melanson E., Neuman M., Sazonov E., Detection of food intake from swallowing sequences by supervised and unsupervised methods, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 38, Issue 8, August 2010, pp. 2766-2774. (doi, pdf)
  • Kussul E., Makeyev O., Baidyk T., Calderon-Reyes D., Neural network with ensembles, in Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2010, Barcelona, Spain, July 18-23, 2010, pp. 2955-2961. (pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Sazonov E., Moklyachuk M., Lopez-Meyer P., Hybrid genetic algorithm for microscrew thread parameter estimation, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 23, Issue 4, June 2010, pp. 446-452. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Automatic method of acoustical swallowing detection for monitoring of ingestive behavior, Ph.D. Thesis, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, April 2010, p.116. (link, pdf)
  • Sazonov E., Makeyev O., Schuckers S., Lopez-Meyer P., Melanson E., Neuman M., Automatic detection of swallowing events by acoustical means for applications of monitoring of ingestive behavior, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 57, Issue 3, March 2010, pp. 626–633. (doi, pdf)


  • Sazonov E., Lopez-Meyer P, Schuckers S., Makeyev O., Melanson E., Neuman M., Objective prediction of ingested food mass using support vector regression, The Obesity Society's 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, October 24-28, 2009. (pdf) 
  • Sazonov E., Schuckers S., Lopez-Meyer P., Makeyev O., Melanson E., Neuman M., Hill J., Toward objective monitoring of ingestive behavior in free living population, Obesity, Vol. 17, Issue 10, October 2009, pp. 1971–1975. (doi, pdf)
  • Sazonov E., Schuckers S., Lopez-Meyer P., Makeyev O., Sazonova N., Melanson E., Neuman M., Reply to 'Comment on "Non-invasive monitoring of chewing and swallowing for objective quantification of ingestive behavior"', Physiological Measurement, Issue 5, Vol. 30, May 2009, pp. L5-L7. (doi, pdf)


  • Makeyev O., Sazonov E., Schuckers S., Lopez-Meyer P., Baidyk T., Melanson E., Neuman M., Recognition of swallowing sounds using time-frequency decomposition and limited receptive area neural classifier, in Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XVI: Proceedings of AI-2008, The Twenty-eighth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Eds. Tony Allen, Richard Ellis and Miltos Petridis, Springer, Cambridge, UK, December 9-11, 2008, pp. 33-46. (pdf)
  • Baidyk T., Kussul E., Makeyev O., Computer vision systems for manufacturing of micro workpieces, in Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XVI: Proceedings of AI-2008, The Twenty-eighth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Eds. Tony Allen, Richard Ellis and Miltos Petridis, Springer, Cambridge, UK, December 9-11, 2008, pp. 19-32. (pdf)
  • Kussul E., Baidyk T., Makeyev O., Lara-Rosano F., Saniger J.M., Bruce N., Flat facet parabolic solar concentrator with support cell for one and more mirrors, WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, Issue 8, Vol. 3, August 2008, pp. 577-586. (pdf)
  • Sazonov E., Schuckers S., Lopez-Meyer P., Makeyev O., Sazonova N., Melanson E., Neuman M., Non-invasive monitoring of chewing and swallowing for objective quantification of ingestive behavior, Physiological Measurement, Issue 5, Vol. 29, May 2008, pp. 525-541. (doi, pdf)
  • Makeyev O., Sazonov E., Baidyk T., Martín A., Limited receptive area neural classifier for texture recognition of mechanically treated metal surfaces, Neurocomputing, Issue 7-9, Vol. 71, March 2008, pp. 1413-1421. (doi, pdf
  • Kussul E., Baidyk T., Makeyev O., Lara-Rosano F., Saniger J.M., Bruce N., Development of micro mirror solar concentrator, WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems, Issue 8, Vol. 2, August 2007, pp. 188-194.
  • Makeyev O., Sazonov E., Schuckers S., Lopez-Meyer P., Melanson E., Neuman M., Limited receptive area neural classifier for recognition of swallowing sounds using continuous wavelet transform, in Proc. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC 2007, Lyon, France, August 23-26, 2007, pp. 3128-3131.  
  • Sazonov E., Krishnamurthy V., Makeyev O., Browning R., Hill J., Schutz Y., Automatic recognition of postural allocations, in Proc. 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society EMBC 2007, Lyon, France, August 23-26, 2007, pp. 4993-4996. 
  • Makeyev O., Sazonov E., Schuckers S., Melanson E., Neuman M., Limited receptive area neural classifier for recognition of swallowing sounds using short-time Fourier transform, in Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2007, Orlando, USA, August 12-17, 2007, pp. 1417.1-1417.6.
  • Kussul E., Baidyk T., Makeyev O., Pairwise Permutation Coding Neural Classifier, in Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN 2007, Orlando, USA, August 12-17, 2007, pp. 1471.6-1471.6.
  • Kussul E., Baidyk T., Wunsch D., Makeyev O., Martín A., Permutation coding technique for image recognition systems, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 17/6, November 2006, pp. 1566-1579.
  • Kussul E., Baidyk T., Wunsch D., Makeyev O., Martin A., Image recognition systems based on random local descriptors, IJCNN 2006, Vancouver, Canada, July 16-21, 2006, pp. 4722-4727.
  • Baidyk T., Kussul E., Makeyev O., Texture recognition with random subspace neural classifier, WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Issue 4, Vol. 4, April 2005, pp. 319-325.
  • Makeyev O., Evolutionary algorithm for measurement of screw parameters, WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 2, Vol. 3, April 2004, pp. 861-865.
  • Baidyk T., Kussul E., Makeyev O., Caballero A., Ruiz L., Carrera G., Velasco G, Flat image recognition in the process of microdevice assembly, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 25/1, 2004, pp. 107-118.
  • Baidyk T., Kussul E., Makeyev O., Image recognition system for microdevice assembly, Twenty-First IASTED International Multi-Conference on Applied Informatics - AI2003. Innsbruck, Austria, 2003, pp. 243-248.
  • Makeyev O., Neural interpolator for image recognition in the process of microdevice assembly, IEEE IJCNN 2003, Vol. 3, Portland, Oregon, USA, July 20-24, 2003, pp. 2222-2226.

    News archive
  • 11/5/24 - Dr. Makeyev's bilingual guide to getting graduate education in the US for free for Ukrainian students has been updated to cover getting accepted into the program and institution that offers it as well as applying for a student visa from Ukraine. (link)
  • 10/16/24 - An invited talk entitled “Concentric ring electrode research, patents, and patenting experience at the MEA lab" has been given online by Dr. Makeyev to the NSF BPInnovate Working Group (slides).
  • 8/7/24 - Paper entitled "Time and frequency domain synchrony of current and optimal Laplacian estimates via t-Lead electrodes on human electroencephalogram data" has been presented by Alana Benally at the 2024 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium in Rome, Naples, Italy, July 23-25, 2024 (doi, pdf).
  • 5/30/24 - Congratulations to Alana Benally on winning a competitve travel award to present at the 2024 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium!
  • 4/29/24 - Dr. Makeyev is proud to serve as a member of the Technical Program Committee for SENSORDEVICES 2024, The Fifteenth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications to take place November 3-7, 2024 in Nice, France. (link)
  • 3/19/24 - Abstract entitled "Current versus optimal Laplacian estimates for t-Lead concentric ring electrodes via finite elements method modeling" has been presented by Alana Benally at the 2024 Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in STEM in Washington, DC, March 14-16, 2024 (poster). Also, congraulaions to Alana on winning a competitve travel award to present at the ERN!
  • 3/4/24 - Abstract entitled "Current versus optimal Laplacian estimates via t-Lead electrodes on human electroencephalogram data" has been presented by Alana Benally at the 2024 National Science Foundation TCUP Research Symposium in Alexandria, VA, February 28-29, 2024. (poster, pdf
  • 3/1/24 - Paper entitled "Concentric ring tattoo electrodes for biosignal recordings" has been presented at the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - BIOSTEC in Rome, Italy, February 21-23, 2024 (doi, pdf).
  • 2/23/24 - MEA lab is hiring! If you are looking for paid undergraduate (Honors Scholar) or graduate (M.S. in Biology) research assistantship (at least one and most likely two positions will be available) starting in Fall 2024 email Dr. Makeyev about your interest asap to schedule an interview/lab visit to learn about the envisioned thesis topics.
  • 12/14/23 - Paper entitled "Looking for optimal concentric ring electrodes: influence of design aspects on their performance" has been published in Measurement Science and Technology (doi, pdf).
  • 11/18/23 - Dr. Makeyev is proud to join the Brain Imaging and Stimulation section of the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience as an Associate Editor. (link)
  • 9/7/23 - Member of the MEA lab (Alana Benally) has been featured in the Tribal College Journal story on 2023 Tribal Colleges and Universities Program Research Symposium.
  • 8/9/23 - Abstracts entitled "Writing a review paper on concentric ring electrode technology" and "Comparing optimal tripolar concentric ring electrode to bipolar and tripolar commercial configurations using finite element method modeling" have been presented at the 2023 Tribal Colleges and Universities Program Research Symposium in Alexandria, VA.(poster #1, poster #2) 
  • 6/9/23 - An invited talk entitled “The Diné College Library and its Fruitful Relationship with Mathematics" has been given by Dr. Makeyev at the Tribal College Librarians Institute (TCLI), Montana State University, Bozeman, MT (slides).
  • 4/6/23 - Dr. Makeyev is proud to serve as a member of the Technical Program Committee for SENSORDEVICES 2023, The Fourteenth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications to take place September 25, 2023 to September 29, 2023 in Porto, Portugal. (link)
  • 11/25/22 - Dr. Makeyev is proud to be a part of the "Opening the Gate" feature in Native Science Report. (link)
  • 11/16/22 - Paper entitled "Optimizing Laplacian estimation for the finite dimensions model of a commercial tripolar concentric ring electrode and comparing it to the optimal electrode configuration via finite element method modeling" has been presented at the 9th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Application, November 1-15, 2022. (link, pdf)
  • 10/2/22 - Guide to getting graduate education in the US for free for Ukrainian students has been added to this web page in Ukrainian and English. (link)
  • 8/23/22 - Dr. Makeyev is very grateful to Dr. Paul Boyer and Native Science Report for publishing an essay on his path to Diné College and Russia's war against Ukraine. (link)
  • 8/3/22 - Paper entitled "Comparing optimal and commercially available bipolar and tripolar concentric ring electrode configurations using finite element method modeling based on their finite dimensions models" has been presented at the IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium that took place in Sundsvall, Sweden. Slides for this presentation are available here. (doi, pdf)
  • 6/27/22 - Dr. Makeyev is very grateful to Bernie Dotson and Navajo-Hopi Observer for the interview on Russia's war against Ukraine. (link)
  • 5/17/22 - Dr. Makeyev would like to thank the National Science Foundation for awarding $200,000 to Diné College in support of the project entitled "Validating the optimal design of concentric ring electrodes on phantom data" under his direction (link). For more info on this award see the Diné College press release
  • 4/22/22 - Patent application number 17/353095 entitled "Concentric Ring Electrodes For Improved Accuracy Of Laplacian Estimation Ring Electrodes" has been publised by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. (link)
  • 4/15/22 - Dr. Makeyev is proud to serve as a member of the Technical Program Committee for The Thirteenth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications SENSORDEVICES 2022, October 16-20, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. (link)
  • 2/23/22 - Abstract entitled "Recent progress on design optimization of concentric ring electrodes based on negligible and finite dimensions models" has been presented at the NSF Tribal Colleges & Universities Program Virtual Research Symposium, February 23, 2022 (poster, pdf).
  • 11/20/21 - Paper entitled "Solving the inter-ring distances optimization problem for pentapolar and sextopolar concentric ring electrodes based on the negligible dimensions model of the electrode" has been presented at the 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Application, November 1-15, 2021 (doi, pdf). 
  • 11/10/21 - Paper entitled "Finite element method modeling to confirm the results of comprehensive optimization of the tripolar concentric ring electrode based on its finite dimensions model" has been presented at the 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, November 1-5, 2021. Video of this presentation in MP4 format is available here.
  • 11/1/21 - MEA lab is very grateful to the DC Libraries Blog for featuring our recent Sensors paper as a Faculty Research Spotlight. (link)
  • 9/6/21 - Paper entitled "Comprehensive optimization of the tripolar concentric ring electrode based on its finite dimensions model and confirmed by finite element method modeling" has been published in Sensors (doi, pdf).
  • 7/26/21 - Dr. Makeyev is proud to serve as a member of the Technical Program Committee for The Twelfth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications SENSORDEVICES 2021, November 14-18, Athens, Greece. (link)
  • 7/26/21 - MEA lab is also very grateful for the news about our patent being featured in Native Science Report story and mentioned in Navajo Times education briefs (second story).
  • 7/20/21 - MEA lab is very grateful for the news about our patent being featured in media ranging from Diné College press release to Tribal College Journal story
  • 7/11/21 - Patent number 11,045,132 entitled "Concentric ring electrodes for improved accuracy of Laplacian estimation" has been issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office on June 29, 2021. (link)
  • 3/15/21 - Patent application number 16/417422 entitled "Determination Of Optimal Laplacian Estimates And Optimal Inter-ring Distances For Concentric Ring Electrodes" has been publised by the United States Patent and Trademark Office. (link)
  • 12/3/20 - MEA lab is honored to have its recent efforts featured in the Native Science Report story on the impact of research grants in tribal colleges and universities. (link)
  • 12/3/20 - Paper entitled "Comprehensive optimization of the tripolar concentric ring electrode with respect to the accuracy of Laplacian estimation based on the finite dimensions model of the electrode" has been presented at the 7th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, November 15-30, 2020. (doi, pdf). Video of this presentation is available here.
  • 9/28/20 - Dr. Makeyev is proud to serve as a member of the Technical Program Committee for the Eleventh International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications SENSORDEVICES 2020, November 21-25, Valencia, Spain. (link)
  • 6/8/20 - Paper entitled "Improved spatial resolution of electroencephalogram using tripolar concentric ring electrode sensors" has been published in Journal of Sensors (doi, pdf).
  • 1/6/20 - Abstract entitled "Toward solving the inter-ring distances optimization problem for pentapolar, sextopolar, and septapolar concentric ring electrodes based on the negligible dimensions model of the electrode" has been presented at the NSF TCUP Research Symposium in Alexandria, VA, December 17-18, 2019.
  • 1/6/20 - Paper entitled "Feasibility of automatic detection of high-frequency oscillations in human tripolar Laplacian electroencephalogram using exponentially embedded family" has been presented at the 6th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, November 15-30, 2019. (doi, pdf)
  • 10/17/19 - Paper entitled "Validating the comparison framework for the finite dimensions model of concentric ring electrodes using human electrocardiogram data" has been published in Applied Sciences (doi, pdf).
  • 9/23/19 - Paper entitled "Evaluation of bipolar, tripolar and quadripolar Laplacian estimates of electrocardiogram via concentric ring electrodes" has been published in Sensors (doi, pdf).
  • 7/26/19 - I am proud to serve as a member of the Technical Program Committee for the Tenth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications SENSORDEVICES 2019, October 27-31, Nice, France. (link)
  • 6/6/19 - I would like to thank the National Science Foundation for awarding $200,000 to Diné College for support of the project entitled "Optimizing concentric ring electrode design for noninvasive electrophysiological measurement" under my direction (link)!
  • 5/25/19 - I would like to thank everyone involved with the faculty ranking process for being appointed the rank of Associate Professor!
  • 9/6/18 - Paper entitled "Solving the general inter-ring distances optimization problem for concentric ring electrodes to improve Laplacian estimation" has been published in the BioMedical Engineering OnLine (doi, pdf).
  • 7/6/18 - I am proud to serve as a member of the Technical Program Committee for the Ninth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications SENSORDEVICES 2018, September 16-20, 2018, Venice, Italy. (link)
  • 6/12/18 - Abstract entitled "Creating outreach and collaborative spaces in the library: STEM research lab at DC library" has been presented at the Tribal College Librarians Institute (TCLI) in Bozeman, MT.
  • 5/31/18 - Abstract entitled "Optimizing the design of noninvasive concentric ring electrodes for electrophysiological measurement" has been presented at the NSF TCUP Research Symposium in Alexandria, VA.
  • 3/1/18 - Congratulations to Frederick Lee (B.A. in Business Administration, class of 2019) and Mark Musngi (B.S. in Secondary Education, Science, class of 2019) for placing 3rd at the Sixth Annual Navajo Technical University Research Day competition at Crownpoint, NM!
  • 2/25/18 - Abstract entitled "Exponentially embedded family to detect high-frequency oscillations in human tripolar Laplacian EEG" has been presented at the Emerging Researchers National (ERN) Conference in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) in Washington, D.C. (link)
  • 12/1/17 - Paper entitled "Recent advances in high-frequency oscillations and seizure onset detection using Laplacian electroencephalography via tripolar concentric ring electrodes" has been presented at the 4th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications (ECSA 2017), November 15-30, 2017. (doi, pdf)
  • 10/5/17 - A short video about the Mathematics for Engineering Applications (MEA) laboratory was presented at the Board of Regents Annual Meeting on October 4, 2017. (link)
  • 8/14/17 - Paper entitled "Safety of the transcranial focal electrical stimulation via tripolar concentric ring electrodes for hippocampal CA3 subregion neurons in rats" has been published online in the Journal of Healthcare Engineering (doi, pdf).
  • 7/16/17 - Two papers have been presented at 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) on Jeju Island, Korea (pdf #1, pdf #2).
  • 6/25/17 - I would like to thank the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for my Senior Member elevation as well as Dr. Walter G. Besio from the University of Rhode Island for nominating me!
  • 10/15/16 - Congratulations to Colin Lee (mathematics major, class of 2017) for getting his abstract accepted and being awarded a SACNAS Travel Scholarship to present it at the 2016 SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference in Long Beach, CA (pdf)!
  • 9/12/16 - I would like to thank the National Science Foundation for awarding $200,000 to Diné College for support of the project entitled "Seizure onset detection using tripolar Laplacian electroencephalography" under my direction (link)!
  • 9/1/16 - Two papers have been presented at 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) in Orlando, FL (pdf #1, pdf #2).
  • 6/12/16 - Paper entitled "Improving the accuracy of Laplacian estimation with novel variable inter-ring distances concentric ring electrodes" has been published online in Sensors (doi, pdf).
  • 12/4/15 - I would like to thank all the faculty from Mathematics, Physics, Technology and Science and Physical Education Divisions for voting to award the 2015 NASA Space Grant Consortium funds to my research project on optimization of multipolar concentric ring electrodes!
  • 12/2/15 - Paper entitled "Improving the accuracy of Laplacian estimation with novel multipolar concentric ring electrodes" has been published online in Measurement (doi, pdf).
  • 11/2/15 - Website dedicated to the STEM 2020 project funded by a new five-year grant for $2.5M from the National Science Foundation can be found here. Please, contact me with any questions regarding the upcoming engineering major.
  • 11/2/15 - Congratulations to Wayne Harvey (mathematics major, class of 2016) for getting his abstract accepted for the 2015 SACNAS National Conference (link)!
  • 6/18/15 - Paper entitled "Interleukin-1ß transfer across the blood-brain barrier in the ovine fetus" has been published online in Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (doi, pdf).
  • 4/21/15 - I would like to thank Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics for an Early Career Travel Award to attend and present at the SIAM Workshop on Network Science (NS15).
  • 1/29/15 - Paper entitled "Anti–IL-6 neutralizing antibody modulates blood-brain barrier function in the ovine fetus" has been published online in the FASEB Journal  (doi, pdf).
  • 12/16/14 - Two abstracts have been presented at Society for Neuroscience 44th Annual Meeting in Washington, DC and American Epilepsy Society's 68th Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA respectively (online).
  • 10/12/14 - Paper entitled "Neutralizing anti-interleukin-1ß antibodies modulate fetal blood-brain barrier function after ischemia" has been published online in Neurobiology of Disease (doi, pdf).
  • 9/6/14 - Two papers have been presented at the 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'14) in Chicago, IL (pdf #1, pdf #2).
  • 8/11/14 - I'm very happy and honored to join the Math, Physics, Technology Department of Diné College as a Mathematics Faculty. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the University of Rhode Island, CREmedical Corp, and, personally, Dr. Walter Besio for the fruitfull collaboration during the past four years.
  • 7/9/14 - Paper entitled "High-frequency oscillations recorded on the scalp of patients with epilepsy using tripolar concentric ring electrodes" has been published online in IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (doi, open access).
  • 4/26/14 - Our paper has been presented at the 40th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC14) in Boston, MA (pdf).
  • 12/8/13 - Our paper has been presented at the IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium (SPMB13) in New York City (pdf).
  • 11/22/13 - I'll be teaching BME468/ELE568 Neural Engineering in Spring 2014 (syllabus). Contact me if you need a permission number. 
  • 9/11/13 - Our recent work has been cited in a Science Magazine paper (2012 impact factor of 31.027).
  • 7/23/13 - Two papers have been presented at 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society in Osaka, Japan (pdf #1, pdf #2).
  • 4/1/13 - I'm also happy to accept the Adjunct Assistant Professor position at the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Rhode Island. 
  • 2/1/13 - I'm happy to join CREmedical Corp as a Research Scientist.
  • 1/7/13 - Paper entitled "Effects of transcranial focal stimulation via tripolar concentric ring electrodes on pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in rats" has been published online in Epilepsy Research (doi, pdf).
  • 12/7/12 - Two abstracts have been presented at American Epilepsy Society's 66th Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA (link #1 and link #2).
  • 1/21/12 - Two abstracts have been presented at Society for Neuroscience 42nd Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA (link #1 and link #2).
  • 9/27/12 - Paper entitled "Ischemia-reperfusion increases blood-brain barrier permeability and alters tight junction protein expression in ovine fetuses" has been published online in Neuroscience (doi, pdf).
  • 9/1/12 - Two papers have been presented at 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society in San Diego (pdf #1, pdf #2).
  • 7/6/12 - Paper entitled "Toward a noninvasive automatic seizure control system in rats with transcranial focal stimulations via tripolar concentric ring electrodes" has been published online and in July's issue of IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (doi, pdf).
  • 6/5/12 - Paper entitled "Noninvasive transcranial focal stimulation via tripolar concentric ring electrodes lessens behavioral seizure activity of recurrent pentylenetetrazole administrations in rats" has been published online in IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (doi, pdf).
  • 4/6/12 - Paper entitled "Automatic food intake detection based on swallowing sounds" has been published online in Biomedical Signal Processing and Control (doi, pdf).
  • 4/4/12 - An invited seminar talk entitled “Toward a Noninvasive Automatic Seizure control System with Transcranial Focal Stimulation via Tripolar Concentric Ring Electrodes" has been given at Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, University of Rhode Island (slides).
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